Nutritional consultation and eating patterns are information service activities and assistance to patients who want to improve their nutritional intake and eating patterns that suit the patient's condition. This activity is carried out by nutrition doctors, both with one individual or in groups.
Nutritional and dietary consultation is beneficial for all ages to have an ideal body weight and avoid various diseases so that a healthier life. This activity is also often carried out to parents and mothers who care for children because the age of children is more vulnerable to nutritional problems, such as malnutrition or malnutrition.
Indications of Nutritional Consultation and Diet
Nutritional consultation and diet can be done for those who experience nutritional deficiencies (malnutrition) or overweight ( obesity ). In addition, this is also often done in patients with hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease. But keep in mind, do not wait until sick to undergo nutritional consultation and diet, because nutritional consultation and diet can be lived by anyone who wants to change your diet and nutritional intake to be healthier in order to avoid the emergence of disease.
Preparation and Implementation of Nutrition and Diet Patterns
Generally, nutritional consultation and diet do not have special preparation. Patients can directly visit a doctor or nutrition specialist to talk about nutritional problems, diet, or weight problems experienced.The implementation of nutritional consultation and diet begins with the collection of information related to the patient's condition. This information are in the form of medical history, medicines that are being consumed, as well as activities carried out and daily diet. Then, the doctor will examine the patient's physical condition, including measuring height and weight.
After that, the doctor will examine the factors that can affect the nutritional intake and diet of the patient, which includes habits, education, work, daily activities, social relationships, and physical abnormalities or disabilities suffered by patients.
The next important step is that the doctor will examine the patient's knowledge (cognitive) and mental condition. This examination is intended to capture what is in the patient's thoughts and feelings regarding self-confidence, self-image, and diet that has been undertaken. For example, patients who have nutritional problems might think that their hobby of eating snacks is normal because it can make them calm or happy. Here, the role of doctors, especially nutrition doctors, is to change the mindset, diet, and habits of patients.
One model of nutritional consultation applied by doctors generally includes four parts:
- First, doctors provide nutritional consultation services that aim to improve or improve the health of patients and prevent disease.
- Second, the doctor plans the nutritional intake needed by the patient, as well as a diet that is suitable for patients, both aimed at individuals, and groups. In addition to nutrition and diet, doctors can also plan the right form of exercise or exercise for patients.
- Third, the doctor will discuss with the patient the goals, priorities, and expected outcomes of the changes made.
- Finally, the doctor will evaluate the patient's condition. If needed, the doctor will maintain or change nutritional standards and good eating patterns and are suitable for patients.
The four parts will be carried out in stages. The aim to be achieved is to raise interest and awareness in the patient to improve mindset, change diet, and exercise or exercise patterns that will significantly affect health improvement. However, this process will not run smoothly, if the patient is not committed to making permanent changes to their old habits.
After a Nutrition and Diet Consultation
The doctor will advise the patient to apply the information, advice, or input he has given during the consultation session. Patients are allowed to go home after nutritional consultation and diet.
Keep in mind, changes in nutritional intake and diet can be achieved if the following steps have been changed:
- Awareness. Growing awareness in the patient to deal with nutritional disorders and eating patterns by consulting a doctor. Doctors play a role to give encouragement and encouragement to patients to want to start a healthy lifestyle. Generally, doctors will provide information regarding the conditions experienced by the patient, for example: in patients with high levels of low-density lipoprotein / LDL or bad cholesterol, doctors give a warning about what risks can be caused.
- Plan. The doctor will plan the right nutrition and diet. This plan is usually limited by a certain period of time so that the process can be completed at a predetermined time and change the previous habits.
- Do. After the diet plan is prepared, patients are expected to try optimally to change nutritional intake and diet in a healthier direction.
- Evaluation. Setting a diet according to what the doctor recommends, generally should be done for weeks, months, years, even a lifetime. Therefore, an evaluation is needed by a doctor to monitor the patient's condition. After some time, some patients may stop following the dietary rules given by the doctor. Therefore, at this stage, the doctor will also encourage the patient by reminding him of the initial commitments made and the goals to be achieved.
- Make habit. Doing things that are repeated over a period of time will shape them into a habit.